BECi Awarded Trophy for Statewide Safety Recognition

BECi Honored With Statewide Safety Recognition for Fourth Consecutive Year

This past July, Beauregard Electric Cooperative Inc. (BECi), received the highly honorable safety award at the Association of Louisiana Electric Cooperatives annual meeting. It is imperative at Beauregard Electric that safety comes first, and that shines throughout the Co-op. Dating back to 1986, BECi has won this prestigious award sixteen times, along with working more than 1.5 million hours without a lost time accident. Among this achievement, in 2005 Beauregard Electric Cooperative was also awarded by the Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange for logging more than 2 million safe hours. At that time no other electric cooperative had achieved this across the country.
To maintain this level of standard, BECi headquarters in DeRidder, Louisiana, is equipped with a field training course. Here linemen are educated on poletop and bucket truck safety. Education on safety for the linemen does not stop with rookies. It is important to the Co-op to offer annual refresher courses to all veteran linemen as well.
In addition to field training, ALEC’s safety team provides assistance with annual CPR Classes, Occupational Safety and Health Administration courses, Class A CDL instruction, pesticide licensing of utility arborists, and certification of apprentice line workers through the Louisiana Superintendents and Foreman’s Association.
BECi is the distribution cooperative that serves the electric needs of more than 44,000 residential, commercial and industrial members in a 7-parish area of southwest and central Louisiana.

Pictured left to right are Ricky Melancon, ALEC safety coordinator; Kevin Turner, BECi general manager; and Aarron Graham, ALEC director of loss control.