Have a safe school year!

On average, 26 children in the United States are killed every year
while getting on or off a school bus, or while waiting at the bus
stop. To avoid such tragedies, drivers are reminded to:
Carefully back out of driveways. Watch for children walking to
the bus stop.
Slow down. Watch for children walking in the street and playing
or congregating near bus stops—especially in the early morning hours
when it may still be dark.
Be alert. Children arriving late for the bus may dart into the
street without looking.
Obey the law. Yellow flashing lights on a bus mean
motorists should slow down and prepare to stop. Red
flashing lights mean motorists must stop their cars and
wait until the red lights stop flashing, the extended
stop sign is withdrawn and the bus starts
moving again. Unless there is a median, oncoming traffic must stop.