XVI. Extensions of & Additions to Existing Facilities

When extensions of or additions to the Company’s facilities are necessary to make service available to the customer, the Company will bear the cost for the first 600 feet. All over 600 feet require a contribution-in-aid (CIA) of construction at a rate of $5.00 per foot plus expenses associated with right-of-way or any other expenses the company deems necessary. All information on line extensions is on file with the Louisiana Public Service Commission.

Line Extension Reimbursement Procedure: In the event of additional connections to the line, reimbursement to members that paid for a line extension, shall be based on the following:

  • Shall be requested by the original member, within 3 years of line construction.
  • Initial payment (CIA) must exceed $2,000.00.
  • Each new connection of a permanent structure will entitle original homeowner/member to a $400.00 reimbursement, not to exceed the initial payment (CIA).